Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Bed for the Convertible

We got a new tent trailer. Sarah proudly told her teacher that "Big Ben got a new bed for the convertible!" Oh, the craziness that is the mixed up mind of a 3 year old.

Anyway, we are very excited to get to using it. Ben and Big Ben both wanted to eat dinner in it and sleep in it last night, but I insisted it is still a bit too cold outside. I can see many summer camp outs in our very near future.


Anonymous said...

pack up that bad boy and get ur butt out here!:)

Garden Gnome said...

Thank-you for visiting and linking to my cooking blog. I thought I would stop by and say hello. What a lovely blog you have. This post on your new trailer brings back the memories of when we bought our first trailer. We started with tents then the tent trailer finally ending up with a travel trailer. Oh did we have so much fun camping! We used to go almost every weekend and even when snow was on the ground. Your family will absolutely love this experience! Happy trails :)