Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Bigs and The Littles

Big and Little is a theme around here. Big Ben is extremely tall, I'm extremely short.

Then, there is the contrast between Big Ben and Little Ben.

Now, I introduce to you the concept of Big Sarah and Little Sarah. (Who would have ever thought that our little Sarah would be the Big one?)

Little Sarah came over today to play. She might be the coolest baby ever... she's so cool, she has her very own blog.Little Sarah pointed out the "clock" to us, and the "candles" on the table. She also told us the location of her nose and her hair where. She rounded out the lesson by teaching us the sounds that cats, dogs, cows and baby chicks make. We take the lesson very seriously since it comes from a credible source, Baby Sarah lives on a farm!

1 comment:

Kass said...

Very cute pictures. Thanks for posting them!